I am trying to fix the formatting

  the palm trees, something she had never seen before, pass by through the window
  of the taxi made Carrie realize that she was definitely far from home. Having
  escaped the deadbeat life back in Rillmont, Michigan she was finally free.
  Theresa, her mother, would no longer be there to drag her down. She was really
  not much of a mother, both Carrie and her younger sister addressed her as
  Theresa. Turning the corner into Sunray’s Inn snapped her out of her thoughts,
  and at that moment she decided not to dwell on the past and instead look
  forward to a new beginning.

  the cab driver for the ride from the airport to the motel, she went into the
  lobby to check into her room. She didn’t have many bags with her, just one
  suitcase and a backpack. The nametag on the teenager at the front desk read Lizzy, and Carrie

in?” asked Lizzy
“Yes, my name is Carrie Moore, I don’t have any reservations.”
“Well you’re in luck Carrie Moore, we have 33 rooms open. You lookin’ for
just a single?”
Carrie laughed at this reply, and stated, “Sure, whatever’s
“Room 22 then. And how long will ya be staying?” Lizzy inquired
“Umm, well I’m not exactly sure yet, I only planned as far as the plane
ride and a spot on a map.” Lizzy smiled slightly, nodded, and grabbed a room key
to scan the correct room.

  ma’am, let me be the first to welcome you to Stonessa, Florida. I hope you
  enjoy your stay.” Soon Carrie paid the $47 for the night in cash she had left
  over, and proceeded to her new room.

Unpleasant was pretty fitting to the condition room 22 was in. It was
clean, thank the lord, but it was not at all someplace she wanted to stay long
term. The walls were a mustard yellow color, complete with orange laminate
countertops in the small kitchenette. Daisies occupied the bedspread on the
queen sized bed in the middle of the room. Setting her suitcase and backpack
down, she hesitantly walked to the bathroom, unsure of how bad it would be, but
breathed a sigh of relief once she saw a clean, plain, floral decorated
bathroom. It was a place to stay. It would do, for now.

Being only 1:00pm, Carrie decided she should visit the beach. She had
never been to the beach, having lived in a small town her whole life in
Michigan. From reading travel magazines at home she often pictured what it would
be like to live by the beach, somewhere warm. Her fantasy was now a reality, and
Carrie was grinning ear to ear. Finding the only sundress she packed, a
swimsuit, and a book she bought with the little money she had at the airport,
she set out to the beach. From Sunray’s Inn, the beach in Stonessa was only a
fifteen minute walk. Lizzy was kind enough to give her directions. Walking in
the sun, some 1,500 miles from her wretched home, was quite relaxing. Her brown
hair with streaks of blonde shined in the sun, and she looked like a local with
tanned skin and beach attire. Arriving, she gasped. It was such a beautiful
sight. The waves of the giant ocean crashing against the shore, and sand that
looked so white and soft, completely outdid her idea of the beach. Seeing it, feeling it, was a totally different
experience. Taking off her flip flops, she trotted over to an unoccupied spot
near a tree. She plopped herself onto the sand, and smiled. Even though she had
no idea what her next move was, where she would end up in a week, not to mention
the issue of having barely any money left, she was too excited to be worrying
about any of these problems. Carrie opened up her book, “The Five People You
Meet in Heaven”, that the lady at the airport told her was a must
. Just as she started to get lost in yet another book, WHAM! Hit right
in the side of her head. Dropping her book, she looked up, suddenly irritated to
see who the rude idiot was that hit her in the head with what she thought was a

“Oh my God. Sorry! Hey, I’m really sorry, we were just playing a game and
things got a little outta control,” said a voice approaching her, laughing.
Carrie looked up, and to her surprise, her rude idiot was very good looking. He
had dark brown hair, almost black and striking blue eyes. It was the eyes that
got her, they made her forget for a split second that she was planning on
yelling at this man.

“Hey, are you ok?” he asked. Carrie blinked, stared at him for another
two seconds and he began to smirk.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just slightly frustrated. I lost my place in my book,”
She said, irritation rolling off the tongue.
“Well I’m really sorry, but can I please have my ball back?” his comment
made her mad, and she didn’t know why but she was suddenly giving him a furrowed
brow frown. He then noticed her expression and said,

She stopped frowning, grabbed the ball that had rolled behind her, and
handed it to him.

since I hit you in the face, you’re already kind of part of the game, wanna
join?” for some odd reason she seriously considered. Looking over at the sand
court and net, she smiled. It really did look like fun. However, she decided to
have better manners and not intrude.
“I’m fine, thanks though. Maybe next time,” she replied.
“How do you know there will be a next time?” the man asked, smirking and
looking at her like he was expecting a smart ass reply in return.
“Well, sir, I really don’t know if there will
be a next time, I am just trying to
be polite.” Her irritation was subsiding, and she was actually half smiling at
their developing argument.
“If you won’t play volleyball with us, will you at least come with me to
The Nectarine tonight?” he asked. Was this really his idea of asking me on a
date? He just hit me if the face with a volleyball!

“Are you asking me out on a date? And I don’t even know what The
is, or who you are.” She was always pretty straight to the point.
  He smiled, playing with the ball in his hands. In the background, his friends
  were shouting at him to return to the game.
“Yes. It’s a bar. And my name is Steven. That
annoying guy jumping up and down over there is my brother, Jay. I’m not a serial
killer, I promise.” He held out his hand, still smiling. She extended her hand
to shake his and said,
“Carrie,” she replied.
“Nice to meet you, Carrie. So what will it be? Take a chance on a guy who
throws volleyballs at women?” he teased. “I promise it’s nothing big, just a few
drinks. The bar is right down that road there on the right side. There’s a sign
out front.” He pointed down what she has assumed was Main Street. Carrie thought
about his offer, and decided that she had already taken a chance on up and
leaving home, so why not meet some new people? It’s not like she was going to go
to meet him in an alley, it was a bar, right?
“Alright. I’ll come. What time?” she asked. He immediately
“Great. How does seven sound?”
“I can do that. See you then?”
“I’m looking forward to it. And again, I am sorry for hitting you in the
head.” He smiled, and walked back to his game where his friends had grown bored
of waiting and were now sitting in a circle talking. With that, Carrie felt
awkward to continue to sit under her tree with her book, and decided to walk
down the beach to analyze her recent encounter with Steven.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    June 2013

